Be A God

18 Jan 2018


Growing up, I never had an interest in anything and always had a problem of deciding what I wanted to do in my future. I would constantly look up different career options. Ironically at the peak of my stress at that time, I befriended someone that majored in computer science and eventually he persuaded me to consider the career pathway. He pitches the idea that Computer Science is a great major to enter since everything in the world is ran by computers. I let his ideas sink in me and I begin doing more research on what it takes to be an CS major. During my research, key words that really lured me into the major were, “problem solving”, “creating”, and “working in teams”.

You Never Know Unless You Try

If there is one thing I love more than pizza, it would be building and finding solutions to fix a problem. Therefore, I knew that I had to give programming a try. At the time I thought it was super rad to code stuff up and build programs (I still do). So, I rolled my dice and decided to take my first ICS class. After enrolling in my first ICS class and building my first program, I was instantly amazed in what I can build through the use of computers and loved seeing the programs I build come to life.


As I grow more knowledgeable, I hope to master the material and become the next shifu of software development or web design. My dream is to be a part of a startup company that I am passionate about and develop software to help grow the company.